Chimney Sweep Company
in Chichester
Thomas Rad Chimney Sweeping Services
Chimney Sweep Chichester, West Sussex
Thomas Rad Chimney Services cover Chichester and surrounding areas.
We offer a reliable, efficient and professional service with over five years’ experience in the West Sussex area.
We use professional equipment which allows us to deliver a high level clean and reach areas that traditional equipment could not.
We sweep open fires and wood burners and also offer additional services such as bird nest removal and wood burner maintenance. Your appliance will be left performing as efficiently as possible.
Prices from £60 for a standard sweep and from £45 for servicing. Camera inspections are also available from £45.
We aim to service your call the same week, so please call, email or WhatsApp to enquire.
Institute of Chimney Sweeps Certified. Fully Insured.